Breastfeeding Naturally
Breastfeeding Naturally
A New Approach For Today's Mother
by Hannah Lothrop
Publisher: Fisher Books, U.S.A. 1999
ISBN: 1-5561-131-1
Paperback, 151mm x 226mm, 287 Pages
Breastfeeding is nature's best way of feeding your baby. Breastfed babies enjoy lifelong benefits: they are less likely to develop diabetes, obesity and allergies. Both mother and child benefit from the special emotional relationship breastfeeding creates. Let Hannah be your very own breastfeeding consultant. She provides the practical advice and the emotional support every mother needs.
A natural approach to breastfeeding helps you enjoy this precious time with your child. Even if you've had difficulties breastfeeding your first or second or third baby, you can probably breastfeed successfully. massage and aromatherapy may also be helpful in this shared experience.
- Breath awareness needn't stop after labour! Use your breath to relax your mind and body and ease stress.
- Try herbal teas that aid milk production and support your changing body.
- Massage for you and your baby will help you relax
- Let aromatherapy lift your spirits and keep your emotions flowing
- The best position for you and your baby
- How to get your milk to flow
- Your baby's emotional development
- Pumps, shields and other breastfeeding aids
- Mother's nutrition
This book is the result of Hannah Lothrop's passionate work on behalf of new mothers and babies around the world. She is the mother of two breastfed children, a psychologist, childbirth educator, author and lecturer.